Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Review by Xtreme Zine

Salah satu band Grindcore asal Tangerang yang terbentuk pada tahun 2005 dengan selogan yang mereka miliki yaitu "Alcoholocaust Grindcore With Positive Drinking Attitude" yang artinya memainkan musik Grindcore dengan mabuk tapi tetap berperilaku baik. Band ini sebenarnya berjumlah 4 orang, tapi karena ketidakcocokan satu personil, akhirnya mereka memutuskan hanya bertiga yaitu Dhanez pada vokal dan gitar, Godx pada drum dan vokal dan terakhir Rahman sebagai bass. Sampai saat ini mereka sudah memiliki 6 album. Dan lagu mereka juga banyak juga mengikuti compilation ataupun split, yang tak jarang di rilis oleh negara asing. Sungguh prestasi yang membanggakan untuk komunitas Tangerang pada khususnya, ternyata band asal Tangerang ini sudah tembus go internasional lewat karya karya mereka yang ciamik, fantastis dan pastinya dapat menggerinda telinga kalian! Untuk yang penasaran, bisa langsung di cek website mereka di www.reverbnation.com/aftersundowngrind, kalian pasti merasakan nuansa Grindcore perpaduan ala Birdflesh, Splatterhouse, Phobia, Terrorizer dan masih banyak lagi band band grindcore dunia. Kita tunggu saja karya karya berikut dari mereka, tetap support pergerakan bawah tanah, yeah! (ariapanca / xtreme-zine.com)

One of the Grindcore band from Tangerang who formed in 2005 with selogan they have the "Alcoholocaust Grindcore With Positive Drinking Attitude" which means Grindcore music played with a hangover but still well behaved. This band actually consists of 4 people, but because of the incompatibility of the personnel, they finally decided that only three of the Dhanez on vocals and guitar, on drums and vocals Godx and last Rahman as the bass. Until now they have 6 albums. And too many of their songs also follow the compilation or split, are not rare in the release of the foreign country. It was a proud achievement for the community in particular Tangerang, Tangerang apparently this band has been through international go through the works of those who ciamik, fantastic and certainly can hone your ears! For the curious, can directly check their website at www.reverbnation.com / aftersundowngrind, you definitely feel the nuances of style blend Grindcore Birdflesh, Splatterhouse, Phobia, Terrorizer and more grindcore bands the world. We see the work the following work from them, still support the underground movement, yeah! (ariapanca / xtreme-zine.com)

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